Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Poop Conversations...

with the doctor...
I need to poop.
"Ya know, if you take your finger and wiggle it around up there, that might stimulate it."

with Jason...

I need to poop.
"Well you've farted a lot tonight. Maybe that means tonight's the night."

with dad...
"Do you have Metamucil?"
*two days later* "Here you go!" *hands me giant 12-inch canister of fiber powder*

with mom...

I pooped today.

Sigh. "Congratulations."

with sister...
I pooped today.
"Really? You know, when I have a hard one, I rock back and forth *rock back and forth forcefully*. Works every time."


Blogger PG said...



Been wondering how you've been, sunshine. Smile.

10:18 PM  
Blogger kimananda said...

Yours is the only blog in the blogosphere that can make poop amusing. Well done! :-)

3:40 AM  
Blogger KjerstenGreg said...

The doctor didn't really say that, right? please say he didn't...

Congrats on the latest development, funny to me how everybody has a trick :)

8:37 AM  
Blogger nothing_but_coke said...

I actually text messaged my husband at one time ... I pooped. I hope he erased it!

1:35 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Yin and yang...I had the complete opposite problem the last couple of days. I guess the booze and hot wings I ate for new year's caught up with me. FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!

8:18 AM  
Blogger The mini ninja said...

Unfortunately, Kjersten, the doctor really did say that. He's just trying to help, right?

Poop on, my peoples!

12:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY! » »

7:10 AM  

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