Wednesday, September 27, 2006

And the hits just keep on comin'.

Monday night, I came home to Maxi's cage pushed up against my room door, a huge hole in the wall, rust stains on my bathroom rug, and no note or explanation. My condescending bastard landlord had finally fixed our broken shower...and ruined my rugs in the process.

That same night, my bitch roommate told me that if I was to use the other shower, I was not allowed to touch any of her 6 shampoos nor any of her 4 face washes. She also told me that I couldn't borrow her books because I hold books open and that creases the spine...which according to her, is inhumane.

I called up my friend Christopher and said, "I'm going to throw up."

Yesterday I went back and forth between my dentist and my old insurance provider. Several months ago, I had a biopsy done on the floor of my mouth. Possibly oral cancer. Unfortunately, my dentist sent it to a lab that was out of network. After several months of phone calls, I was finally told that I was lucky to not have oral cancer and that I should just swallow the $280.

I had a plan last night. I was going to go home. I was going to finally relax.

My co-worker dropped me off in the driveway and before I got out of her car, I searched for my keys.


Where are my keys?

I'd left my house keys at work.

Angie, my other co-worker, was still at work, and was gracious enough to meet me at Target to give me my keys.

An hour later I was finally home, a bag of new bath rugs in one arm and a bag of 'My life is shitting on me' new clothes.

Tonight I'm taking the car to the dealership. They will tell me just how bankrupt I'm going to be.

Oh yes. The hits just keep on comin'.


Blogger Rowan said...

I absolutely LIVE for 'My life is shitting on me' new clothes. I waste all my money on 'em, so now you know my biggest secret.

4:24 PM  

Gab At Les

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