Monday, October 09, 2006

The things geeks do.

Saturday I traveled to the Ohio Renaissance Festival with Jason and my friend Josh. If you've ever been to a ren fest, you know that its unofficial title is 'Where geeks, nerds, and dorks' come out to play. Scores of people, from teens to elderly, dressed in costumes that cost hundreds and hundreds of dollars. Robes, bustles, capes, mail, boots, swords, axes, and corsets. Men in tight tights and women with bulging, bouncing breasts. Knights, queens, peasants, and jesters. Poor English accents, cheesy jokes, and staged acting. With my Aeropostale jacket, Josh's popped collar, and Jason's 'Beer all you can beer' T-shirt, it wasn't long before we realized that we were the outcasts.

We enjoyed every minute of it.

At one point we were watching the jousting and, being as vertically challenged as I am, was hopping like a fish out of water to catch the action. Jason and Josh took turns hoisting me on their shoulders. It was a little weird being the tall one of the crowd and looking down. But the best part was all the curioius 'Aren't you a little big to be doing that?' looks I got from little kids who were also on their parent's shoulders.

I gave them a look that said, 'You're never too big to sit on a man...or his shoulders.'


Blogger PG said...

I am looking up at you on those shoulders and I am smiling.
Oh, and I am still touching your hand...

8:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, that ren fair sounds like fun! :-)

10:57 PM  

Gab At Les

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