Friday, October 06, 2006

It can't rain all the time.

After a month of tears, screams, wasted money, and sacrificial gallons of ice cream, I'm back.

And I'm doing much better.

I finally picked up my car from the dealership last night. The car had started breaking down 2 days after I bought it one month ago, and it had been 2 weeks since I had even sat in it. I had to figure out all the buttons all over it again. The drive home was so smooth that I couldn't believe that it was the same car that had threatened an addiction to a lifetime of Rogaine for women.

And you know what? I decided not to call the seller. Yeah, he sold me a car that needed a grand in repairs. Yeah, he caused me one month of ridiculous strife. But once I was in the car last night and felt that peace wash over me, I realized that there are some things that are more important than money. Like my mental and emotional health. And if paying $1000 means I can attain peace one day earlier, then it's worth it. As my mother always says, "It's only money, Leslie."

Work is loosening its grip as well. The hell project that I was working on is almost coming to a close. The shit that I got from my head boss for a week straight has stopped, and I'm meeting with her today to diplomatically discuss what went wrong with our communication and how to help each other do better the next time.

Life still isn't exactly where I want it to be yet, but the ball has hit the bottom of the well and is bouncing up. So a hug and kiss to all of you who have kept me in your thoughts and stayed beside me through my storm. The sun is coming out, thanks to you.


Blogger PG said...

Dear God,
May both of our balls bounce higher than ever before.

11:33 PM  

Gab At Les

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