Every day is a day to make mistakes, learn and grow. In the past few days, I have learned that...
Disabled people are not just disabled physically. Our society disables their ability to live like everyone else. Now that my sciatica inhibits me from standing or walking for longer than half an hour, I've now discovered that there aren't enough ramps in stores, enough motorized carts in groceries, or enough respect for the hurting. I'm blessed to have people who love me regardless and push me around (literally) when I need it. But not everyone is so lucky.
You can't make yourself love someone and you can't make someone love you. Additionally, the reason for such is often illogical, unexplainable, or does not exist at all.
We were wrong about love. Love does not suck. It is not mysterious. It is not a bitch. It is not complicated. Love, in fact, is quite simple. Love is not a verb, it just is...without rhyme or reason. By turning it into a verb, and thus an action, we are the ones who fuck it up. We misunderstand it. We confuse it. We complicate it. Love does not ask for or need respect. It is given to us whether or not we ask, and it is up to us as to what we do with it.
Overeating sucks. Dieting sucks more. Overeating it is!
oooh Leslie, you hit a sore point with me today: motorized scooters! I am NOT a fan. I am writing the government to make it illegal to drive one without a license or at the very least have a doctor approved sign like people who get to park in disabled parking spots. I think not just anyone who wants to use them should be allowed to use them. There must be a real need. I am not saying your need is not real because I have two friends with sciatica and they BOTH have motorized scooters. Anyway, I am sorry you are hurting. I just had a really BAD experience with a motorized scooter and will not be happy until some accountability is made. Having a disabled child I see there is a lack of sympathy or understanding but at the same time I make sure that my son knows he is ultimately responsible for all of his actions. The school tries its best to make accommodations for him but the world is not a perfect place. Sometimes even non-disbaled persons have a tough time with accessibility.
Leslie, I'm trying to catch up on old blogpals since I've been out of "circulation" for months. I'm sorry to hear that things are a bit challenging for you as of late, but it seems from my tours of the blogosphere tonight that others are in a funk as well. Hope things get better soon for you, me, and--well--everyone!
oooh Leslie, you hit a sore point with me today: motorized scooters! I am NOT a fan. I am writing the government to make it illegal to drive one without a license or at the very least have a doctor approved sign like people who get to park in disabled parking spots. I think not just anyone who wants to use them should be allowed to use them. There must be a real need. I am not saying your need is not real because I have two friends with sciatica and they BOTH have motorized scooters. Anyway, I am sorry you are hurting. I just had a really BAD experience with a motorized scooter and will not be happy until some accountability is made. Having a disabled child I see there is a lack of sympathy or understanding but at the same time I make sure that my son knows he is ultimately responsible for all of his actions. The school tries its best to make accommodations for him but the world is not a perfect place. Sometimes even non-disbaled persons have a tough time with accessibility.
well, what I do with the love you have showed me so often in the past is to send it back your way.
I love you, sweetie.
Hang in there, for me, please?
...cuz I need you to.
...and, I need you, too.
Leslie, I'm trying to catch up on old blogpals since I've been out of "circulation" for months. I'm sorry to hear that things are a bit challenging for you as of late, but it seems from my tours of the blogosphere tonight that others are in a funk as well. Hope things get better soon for you, me, and--well--everyone!
Gab At Les
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