Thursday, September 28, 2006

I wish it wasn't raining today.

I wish I hadn't found a large, dead moth underneath my papers before I left work last night. I wish its legs weren't ripped off and scattered over my work.

I wish I hadn't seen the large spider crawling down my shower curtain as I showered last night.

I wish I wasn't such a sissy.

I wish I wasn't on my period. I wish there as no such thing as cramps.

I wish the service department at the VW dealership hadn't been closed last night.

I wish I had set the alarm clock correctly. I wish I hadn't woken up at 8:07 a.m. when I should have been out the door 10 minutes earlier.

I wish it hadn't been raining this morning. I wish there hadn't been an accident on every highway in the city.

I wish I wouldn't torture myself with songs that remind me of memories and feelings I'm not ready to deal with. I wish they didn't make my heart fit to burst.

I wish someone would have chosen to love the man who shot that girl in Colorado and then took his own life. I wish he didn't feel that death was his only way out.

I wish my canker sores weren't eating away my lip. I wish I could smile, eat, and laugh like usual.

I wish my boss would be nicer to me. I wish my other boss was back from vacation.

I wish I didn't have to wait by the phone to hear what the damage is on my car.

I wish I didn't have to call the seller to tell him he sold me a lemon.

I wish I wasn't so afraid.

and while I'm wishing...

I wish I could let myself cry.


Blogger Rowan said...

sounds like you need it today and here...
*bigger hugs*
you needed that too I think :)

4:21 PM  
Blogger PG said...

...hugs and hugs and hugs from me too, lady.
You are my angel from afar ...
I need you. Stay well.

10:13 PM  
Blogger Daphnewood said...

it sounds like you have had a terrible week. I am praying for you Miss Leslie. Things will get better. *hugs*

10:06 AM  

Gab At Les

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