Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I'm Shrinking!

The nurse measured me and announced the horrible news: I'm 5'2.5"

Well slap my grandma and call me Midget Girl, what the crap is up with that?!

I could have sworn that at a past point in my life, I was 5'3" and well on my way to 5'4".

Damn scoliosis. Damn high shelves. Damn 'you must be this tall to ride' signs.

Do they sell medieval stretching devices?


Blogger Daphnewood said...

I just found out on monday that my 14 year old daughter has it too. My husband has had it for years and it is really too late to do anything for him. Hopefully it will be early enough to stop the curve from getting worse in my daughter's case. Although.... she got high and mighty when she passed my 5'1" stance. Maybe it might be good to shrink her down to my size first ;)

8:03 AM  
Blogger KjerstenGreg said...

My sister had the same thing happen too! I didn't believe her until my mom backed up the story... guess it's more common than I realized.

8:26 AM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

hahahaha midevil stretching device: OW!!!

You can have some of my height: I'm a freakish 5'9.5"!

12:38 PM  
Blogger The mini ninja said...

Daphne - Sounds like your kind of scoliosis is generational. In a way, this is good since you can study your husband to predict how serious your daughter's condition might be. Most cases are idiopathic, like mine. I'm a black sheep, lol. In any case, if it ever bothers your daughter, she's welcome to talk to me. I love helping people who go through this stuff, especially stuff that I've personally gone through.

Kjersten - Yes, shrinking happens. It's so sad.

Steph - Send me a few inches! I need them!

5:16 PM  
Blogger Chipper said...

Does your back ache from the curve? (I don't know much about the disease) Oh, and I'm 5'3" too, I just tell people that I'm "vertically challenged" ;-)

6:17 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, I've always missed that extra .5 of an inch. It HURTS! Somehow 5'3" means you've made it to adulthood and I've always been off by that damn half an inch!!! ;-) Now I'm getting older, I'm probably shrinking even more. I'm developing one of those widow's hump thingies, too. Dear God. I'm glad I don't have to see what everyone else sees when they are around me. ;-)

5:32 AM  
Blogger Rowan said...

god I feel so tall around here now, I"m 5'4" and felt terribly short for most of my adult life. strange that I was always one of the tallest as a child, but I never got that pubescent growth spurt that so many of my peers did.

3:40 PM  
Blogger The mini ninja said...

Etchen - Fortunately my curve doesn't cause TOO much pain, but it IS a pain in the ass! I feel like I've been robbed of a good 2 inches! Lol

Astryngia - Widow's hump? There's really such a thing? ACK! I am sure, though, that you are QUITE beautiful. I don't need a picture to be sure.

Rowan - Hooray, I'm in good company! Although...I was never the tallest as a child. All I remember was growing, growing, then BOOM I'm done. lol

11:07 PM  

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