Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Jesus Loves Pornstars.

I just bought this Tee for Jason and myself today. It'll be our first "same shirt" - not because we want to be cute, but (to both of our annoyance), we wanted the same one.

I got it from xxxchurch, the self-proclaimed #1 Christian porn site on the web. It's been all over talk shows and national news for years, but if you haven't heard of them, they're a funky, hipped out group of Christians who are speaking out against pornography in the funniest, slickest, most creative way possible. And they're not Bible thumpers, either. Their arms are as open as their minds; their goal is to restore healing to people's lives that have been destroyed by porn.

Frankly, it's bloody brilliant. I'm frickin' in love with the two pastors who started this and I can't BELIEVE I didn't think of this myself.

Now Jason and I only have one problem: How are we going to take turns wearing this bloody awesome shirt?

I can just see us now, staring at the T-shirts right before we're getting dressed, wondering who will get to emblazon their chest with the rudy slogan that day.

"AIGHT. Who's wearing Jesus porn today?!"


Blogger Chipper said...

Never heard of them before, but that's pretty damn funny stuff!

3:27 PM  
Blogger BrianAlt said...

Ok, I don't get it. Are you for or against?

10:27 PM  
Blogger The mini ninja said...

Brian - You know, it took me forever to figure out what you were asking me. But I get it now!

Against. I understand why people are into it, and I've caved in a few times myself, but on principle I'm against it.

11:02 PM  

Gab At Les

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