Psycho Series 2
Today's morning session went smoothly. She believes that I have a strong desire to heal, grow, and follow God's will, and thus I will be among the fastest to achieve my goals. I wasn't ready for such optimism, nor am I sure that I am as strong as she believes me to be, but things are looking up and that is all that matters.
So for today's edition of Psycho Series, I'd like to share an email that I opened upon returning to work.
So for today's edition of Psycho Series, I'd like to share an email that I opened upon returning to work.
Subject: how’s it goin…hot stuff
how was your session this morning? are you still crazy?
that last one was a loaded question... WE'RE ALL CRAZY!!!
i got my paper done early last night and i passed out around 10. thats
how im up so early when i dont need to be. YAY!
It’s pretty cold this morning, that sucks.
well, I’ve been up for about an hour now, its time to take the kids to
the pool.
talk to you later.
love ya!
Subject: Yes I am hot and don’t you forget it.
Jason, let me just start this email by reminding you that I know where you sleep, I know where you poop, and you taught me how to use a gun.
With that said, yes I am still crazy. I am crazy, I am wonderful, and you love me. I repeat. YOU LOVE ME.
Thank you for sharing your poop schedule with me. Once again, I’d like to remind you that to flinch or run out of the room when I fart is a total double standard when I have withstood more than my share of your gastrointestinal rumblings. Should we one day share a bathroom, I better not hear you run for the hills when your Lady Love is taking the throne.
I love you too.
Ah, that's so romantic! No one but the utterly besotted can combine love and farting in the same e-mail.
Haha, yes we've always thought of ourselves as the besotted kind. :) You'll hear about love and farting a lot in this blog. Sort of a package deal when it comes to Jason. Hehe.
P.S. It was his line "are you still crazy?" that just cracked me up. It made me laugh and say "Oh I'm gonna get you back so bad" at the same time!
POOP! Oh, that reminds me, I have to take the Browns to the Super Bowl myself. Brb.
Leslie, Told ya, I'd be stopping by. You have a lot of fans!...Bruno
I knew it! You are the fart/poop obsessor, NOT Jason. Yes, you taking your seat on the "throne" gave it all away. Poor Jason, stuck with a life of potty humor. At least he sounds man enough to handle it.
thanks for the laughs
oh yeah, counselors always have to sound postive so don't think she is going to kick you out on your ear before you are ready to go
Torricane - Does this make us poo pals?
Bruno - Either I have a lot of fans or I have a lot of people laughing at me. I suspect both. ;)
Daphne - In my defense, I never said poop n' fart stuff grosses me out. What grosses me out is when Jason farts ON me or farts during romantic moments.
The only thing my last counselor did was nod and look upon me with pity. It was so annoying. Jessica's much more human. I hope she can help me!
sounds like true love, I didn't get the nickname green smoke wizard for nothing...has nothing to do with ganja either. where have I heard that before? In any case, I love green smoke wizard! What a hilarious nickname.
Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » »
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