Wednesday, September 14, 2005

This One's For the (Not so) Girlie Girls

You know of whom I speak.

Those girls that come into work every morning, looking picture perfect, their platinum fingers wrapped around an ornate mug of Starbucks coffee. Their hair is coiffed, their lashes are dark and curled, their eyeshadow matches their retro skirt and mini heels. Meanwhile, you straighten your Def Leopard shirt, wrinkled from being tossed against the floor too many times. You secretly hope that wearing the same shirt every two days will make it look like you have an extensive wardrobe. The girls begin to chat about how many calories they injested for breakfast, proudly displaying the other half of the bagel that they defeated by not eating. You're rubbing the zit on your chin, cursing yourself for eating the entire bag of Ruffles the night before. They notice you standing there, shuffling your feet, but what is there to say? "Hi, my name is Leslie and I'm a dirty pig, so hand me that donut"? So you don't say anything, which makes them think you're shy and stilted. You look at their tan toes peeking from little stillettos, and you rethink your practical choice of padded sneakers. For one moment, you wish you were "Miss Perky-Go-Getter" than "Miss Put-It-In-A-Ponytail". But at the end of the day, you are who you are. Might as well embrace it and surround yourself with people who do the same. Know what I mean?

Jason embraces and loves who I am, especially the low-maintenance part of me. If I apply the slightest makeup, he will scrunch his nose and say, "Ew, makeup! You don't need it. You're beautiful without it." He encouraged me to wear sneakers instead of heels or flip flops because "I think it'll help your back much more." He even turned me against shirts that showed too much cleavage. He tells me I'm sexy when we wake up in the morning and when we fall asleep. He finds me so attractive that he believes that every man who talks to me has an ulterior motive, which has led to fights about his irrational jealousy and discomfort around my male friends. But even in those fights, I know how blessed I am to be so deeply adored. Thanks baby. Love you too.


Blogger KjerstenGreg said...

Oh my gosh, I've felt that way so many times before. Definitely don't feel bad about your sneakers, especially if they make your back feel a bit better. The only difference between you and them is that they are hiding behind their makeup and prissy attitudes.

By the way, you are so lucky to have a guy like Jason. I love Greg to death, but he hasn't quite gotten his brain around the whole "sweet and supportive" part of our relationship. I don't mind giving him time to figure it out though, he's worth it ;)

4:32 PM  
Blogger The mini ninja said...

You're right about those girls, thanks for the support! And while I won't correct you and say "I'm not as lucky as you think to have Jason", I WILL say that I'm SURE that Greg has a whole host of characteristics that I wish Jason would have! I have a list a mile long of things I'd like to secretly change about that boy, haha. (Us girls and our nitpickiness, eh?) As far as Jason being "sweet and supportive", I refer to what I said in a previous entry: he's good at taking his foot out of his mouth, but we're still working on him not putting it there in the first place! We'll have to swap man stories some time, I'm sure it would be hysterical.

4:54 PM  
Blogger Beckalicious said...

Low mainentance rocks!

(Were you oozing at both ends last night? That IS grosser than my ailment.)

5:04 PM  
Blogger The mini ninja said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

5:14 PM  
Blogger The mini ninja said...

Oh my gosh, Becky, no comment! LOL

P.S. Til 5 in the morning.
P.P.S. Suddenly I feel a lot closer to you now, lol. (Although you may be trying to get farther away at this point.)

(Above comment was my own that I deleted. I misspelled something. I'm a dork.)

5:16 PM  
Blogger Beckalicious said...

Nothing is sacred when you have kids. I talk about all sorts of shit. Literally. (:

I was hoping the deleted comment wasn't some high maintenance bitch talking about what a loser you were. I'd have to kick her ass.

P.S. I had a 24-hour bug like that last year... to this day I can't eat chili without getting queasy.

6:51 PM  
Blogger Michael said...


You're speaking to a die-hard here! :)

5:34 PM  
Blogger Daphnewood said...

great post. Miss Put-It-In-A-Ponytail! I love it. what a perfect description. I am glad to hear you aren't clutching a starbucks cofee with perfectly coifed hair. The world has way too many of those as it is.

2:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great site »

2:10 PM  

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