Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Leslie: On Shaking Your Tailfeather

I recently discovered something I never knew about myself: I love to dance! No, not the fancy dance stuff like ballet or ballroom. My back would never allow me to do that. Nope, I'm just talkin' about the good ol' fashioned dirty grind on the club floor.

Hahahaha...I'm laughing as I tell you this; I just can't believe I'm saying it. Moi? Into hip-hop? And clubbing? Never ever! But ever since my first clubbing night one month ago, I've been feeling the bump in my hump and a little high in my grind. There's just something about the rawness of it...the sweat...the heat...letting everything go with no cares beyond the hips shaking in front of you. And now my car is full to hip hop, my wrists are on the steering wheel, and my hips are gyrating into my seat.

Oh my, where did my innocence go? :P


Blogger Beckalicious said...

I am too old to go "clubbing," but I like hip-hop, too. Mostly to work out/run to. Sometimes I find myself listening to it in the car, wiggling at stoplights and generally looking foolish, but I love it.

4:55 PM  
Blogger Rowan said...

I feel with being a 2 time momma and wife, I'm too old too, but I love me some grindage as much as the next person. I'm still really digging Play by David Banner. Just puts me in heat somehow.

11:23 AM  

Gab At Les

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