Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Rainbow hope when the world goes to shit

They say the grass is always greener on the other side. But is there ever a time when you find your feet planted on the green? What then? What do you do when so many people are not standing, but laying on the other side on parched grass? Do you count your lucky stars and thank God you're not them? Do you hold your loved ones closer to your side at night? Do you wonder when it'll be your turn to lay on the parched grass?

I do. I do, and I pray with my eyes wide open. Then those who are suffering will know that I am paying attention and will not look away.

Last night the news was as bleak as it has been for the last few days. Hurricane Katrina - the loss of homes, lives, and a thriving city. The chemical explosion threat - people ousted from their homes with hungry children, businesses closed, lawsuits mounting. The upcoming 911 anniversary - the memories, the grief, the anger.

Then this morning, my co-worker Madonna left for a much anticipated meeting with a client. I wished her luck and waved. Minutes later, we received a phone call. She'd been in a car crash and was sent to the hospital. For the next few hours I fielded phone calls and questions between our frantic boss, worried clients, and the rest of us at work. Everyone else was calm, but I was scared and I didn't know why.

This is why I am not as upset about my car as I might otherwise be. It was Kevin, my landlord, who volunteered to take a look at my car last night and discovered the true problem: the steering rack had cracked wide open. It will cost between $200-$300 just for the part. I was looking forward to finally being able to put aside money in savings, but that will have to wait another month. Yet I have so little to complain about. Danny, my housemate, will lend his mechanic friend for free labor. Rachel, my suitemate, and Chris, my bestfriend, are taking turns taking me to/from work. Jason is ever my on-call hero, always making calls and figuring out what my options are. I may be a little poor, but I'm rich in people who love me. Can I not count myself blessed?


Gab At Les

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